Secondary Zone Swimming Carnival
The CSSA South Met Secondary Swimming Carnival was held on Monday 13 March. Inaburra had 41 students attend and they produced some incredible results. Nine was the number of the day with 9 Inaburra students awarded Age Champion out of a possible 14, and 9 new zone records set. Inaburra will have 36 students heading to SOPAC for CSSA State on Tuesday 28 March.
Age Champions:
Blake Spaul 12 Boys
Darcy Cowper 13 Boys
Sienna Fisher 14 Girls
Max Maurer 14 Boys
Joshua Webb 15 Boys
Hailey Unwin 15 Girls
Logan Cowper 16 Boys
Grace Welsh 17 Girls
Sam Geha 17 Boys
Max Maurer 14 Boys Butterfly 29.67
Max Maurer 14 Boys 50 Freestyle 27.53
Max Maurer 14 Boys 100 Freestyle 1.00.08
Hailey Unwin 15 Girls 50 Freestyle 28.10
Hailey Unwin 15 Girls 50 Breaststroke 36.66
Beau Matthews Open Multi-Class 50 Freestyle 27.95
Beau Matthews Open Multi-Class 50 Butterfly 30.52
Beau Matthews Open Multi-Class 50 Breaststroke 38.34
Sam Geha 17 Boys 50 Freestyle 25.80
U15 Girls Football – Bill Turner Trophy
Our Under 15 girls football team played Cronulla High on Wednesday 21 March. Inaburra came home with a massive 7-0 win in the Bill Turner Trophy. The girls will face Shire in Round 2 of the competition before the end of the term.
CSSA Water Polo
Congratulations also to Grace Welsh (Year 11) who gained selection in the CIS Girls Waterpolo team for 2023. This is a huge achievement against the best competition in the state. Grace has trialled for three years and her resilience and dedication to training has paid off.
CSSA Football Trials
Over the last two weeks nine Inaburra students trialled for the CSSA State Football Teams that will compete at the CIS Championships later in the year. Congratulations to the students below that have gained selection:
U16 Boys – Ashton Simpson, Mateus Lima
Open Boys – Nathan White
Open Girls – Bella Raad
Run2Cure is held annually in The Domain and attracts between 5000 and 6000 participants. It is a charity event fundraising for research into the aggressive childhood cancer, neuroblastoma. Run2Cure Domain registration is open. You can choose from a great selection of run distances including 21.1k, 10k, 5k, 3k, 2.2k Relay and 1k Little Heroes Walk. In 2022 a number of Inaburra staff and students current and former took part. If you are a keen runner or someone looking for some fun please join us in 2023 and join the team Run4Wesley. This is a cause very close to the hearts of our PDHPE team and if you would like any further information you can contact Mr Wadds.
Interschools Snowsports Championships
In 2023 Inaburra will be entering students in the Regional Interschool Snowsports Championships. In 2023 the Sydney Championships will be held from 10 -14 July at Thredbo. Please be aware that it is the responsibility of parents to supervise all aspects of their sons’/daughters’ involvement at the competition and before and after competition each day with accommodation and meals. Entries open in May. If you are interested in the event please click on the link below for more information.
To register your interest or more information please email Mr Tolhurst .
Upcoming Events
Week 8
Friday 24 March – CIS Girls Open Football Round 2 V Oxford Falls Grammar School
Friday 24 March – CIS Boys Open Football Round 2 V St Philip’s Christian College Newcastle
Week 9
Tuesday 28 March – CSSA State Secondary Swimming (SOPAC)
Friday 31 March – CSSA State Touch Football (The Kingsway Playing Fields The Kingsway, Werrington)
Week 10
Tuesday 4 April – Secondary School Cross Country – (Barden Ridge Playing Fields)
Wednesday 5 April – CSSA Open & Under 16 Rugby Trials (Kiama)