Mr Chris Smith - Head of Senior School
Chris Smith is Inaburra’s Head of Senior School for Years 7-12. He commenced at Inaburra in 2022 as the Director of Professional Learning and as a member of the Science Department teaching Biology and Learning Foundations. Chris brings a diverse set of qualifications and experience to his new role, having been responsible for oversight of academic progress and wellbeing for students in Years 7-9 at his previous school. He has completed a number of tertiary studies including a Bachelor of Applied Science (Sydney University), Diploma of Theological Studies (Moore Theological College), Diploma of Education: Science (University of New England), a Master of Research: Education (Macquarie University) and is currently completing his Doctor of Philosophy: Education (University of Tasmania). Chris’ doctoral studies integrate intellectual virtues with learning and leadership. He is persuaded that intellectual virtues are both necessary and beneficial to learning and leading well in today’s knowledge society.
Chris’ primary goal as Head of Senior School is to support students’ development of learning character; their ability to think, question, communicate, collaborate, strive and serve.
Senior School Curriculum
The formal curriculum at Inaburra follows the syllabi of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) which culminates in the award of the HSC at the end of Year 12. Inaburra has a strong tradition of academic excellence with the vast majority of students completing Year 12 and earning a HSC and an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank.
Students have a varied program of learning in Years 7 and 8, where the following subjects are offered including English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Biblical Studies, Chinese (Mandarin), Indonesian, PDHPE, Information Technology, Technology subjects (covering food, wood, metal, design), Music and Art.

In Years 9 and 10 all students in NSW study the following mandatory subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Australian Geography Civics and Citizenship, Australian History Civics and Citizenship, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), Computer Skills and Biblical Studies. These years provide the opportunity for students to choose from a wide range of elective subjects. For their HSC, students select a minimum of 12 units of study in Year 11, and a minimum of 10 units in Year 12.
For the full breakdown of subjects for Year 11 and Year 12, please refer to the Senior Subject Selection Handbook.
Student Support
The transition from Junior School to Senior School can be a new challenge for students and families. Whilst having an integrated campus can assist in this transition, the school offers the following features to assist students to transition and build resilience throughout their Senior School years:
- School counsellors: Inaburra offers students the services of qualified counsellors.
- Welfare: Our welfare staff are committed to the general well-being of students and supporting families. This includes the Orientation Camp for Year 7 and parent seminars from well-respected speakers.
- Learning Enrichment: Inaburra provides a dedicated team who are committed to supporting, extending and enriching students through their learning.
- After School Study Support – Available to students in Year 6-12 every afternoon until 6:00pm. Tutors and teachers are on hand to support students with their classwork, home learning, assessments and exam preparation.
- Peer-to-peer leadership: Students are encouraged to actively support other students, regardless of whether or not they hold leadership positions. Some of their activities include assisting with Year 7 orientation and peer-to-peer tutoring.
The students can also experience support and care through their Home Group Leaders and Year Advisors.

After School Study Support
We have incredible academic support program for students in Year 6-12 each school afternoon. All students can choose to attend the Learning Commons after school until 6:00pm where they have access to tutors and teachers to assist them with any classwork, home learning, assessments and exam preparation. Students who have used this support, consistently report an improvement in their assessment outcomes and grades. This is a free service to Inaburra students.
Senior School Leaders
Students have leadership opportunities in Year 9, Year 10 and Year 12. Year 9 Leaders are selected after a poll of their peers and the input of staff. They support the work of the school with one of their most important roles being to assist the new Year 7 students with their transition to Senior School. They also serve as ambassadors for the student body at official events and occasions.
Year 10 have the opportunity to serve for 12 months as their respective House Captain for one of the four Houses – Gunaagan (Red), Galu (Yellow), Guriwala (Green) and Buriburi (Blue). Students are elected to these roles by their peers and staff.
Year 12 Prefects are elected by their peers and staff. In addition to the general responsibilities and opportunities that come with their leadership role, they coordinate the Year 12 community fundraising activities, determining which charity to support and how the funds will be raised.
The School Captains for 2024-2025 are Thomas Kelly and Sarah McComb. Thomas and Sarah are held in the highest regard by students and staff, are both very active in the life of the school and consistently demonstrate the Christian character that is expected of student leaders at Inaburra.