Music Scholarship – Year 7, Year 9 and Year 11 2026
The Music Scholarship is awarded to students going into Year 7, Year 9 or Year 11 in 2026 who are able to demonstrate an outstanding level of competence musically in one of the following categories:
- Strings;
- Choral;
- Brass/woodwind; or
- Percussion.
As a guide, applicants should have a minimum standard of Grade 3-4 AMEB or equivalent for Year 7, a minimum standard of Grade 4-5 AMEB or equivalent for Year 9 and Grade 6-7 AMEB for Year 11 or equivalent. Those students applying for entry into Year 11 must be in an elective Music class.
The application process for the Music Scholarship comprises the following four steps:
- Complete and return the ‘Music Scholarship Application Form’, together with copies of all certificate and grade examination results. Please also attach a statement outlining your experience and goals as a musician (no more than one page in length). Applications must be completed by Friday 7 February 2025;
- Perform two pieces which demonstrate contrast, diversity and technical skill. This will include the performance of two contrasting pieces, one displaying technical ability and the second demonstrating more interpretive skills such as an ability to play long sustained lines and dynamic contrast and phrasing. Your child’s instrumental teacher should be able to advise you on repertoire which will fulfil these requirements.
Auditions will be held on Thursday 20 February 2025, with performance times being communicated circa three days prior to the event. The total performance length should not exceed six minutes and the audition will be a maximum of 15 minutes. If auditioning on a second instrument, only one piece may be prepared on the second instrument. Accompanists may attend the audition if required. Copies of all certificate and grade examination results, together with any other musical achievements should also be brought in a portfolio on the day. All music and instruments must be brought on the day of the audition, except percussion and piano. - Pass sight reading and aural tests which will be conducted on the day of the audition.
- Attend an interview with our Principal, Dr James Pietsch, by invitation only. These interviews will be conducted from Monday 24 March 2025 and will be circa 45 minutes in duration. Applicants will be required to discuss what they can contribute to the musical life of Inaburra, their aspirations and why they should be considered for the Music Scholarship.
All applicants will be advised in writing as to the success of their application by the end of April 2025. Should you have any questions regarding scholarships at Inaburra simply contact the School Registrar on 9543 2533 or email
Peripatetic Scholarships for Current Students of Inaburra
Peripatetic Scholarship auditions for current students will be held in November 2025 in the Music Department’s Band Room. Information for this scholarship will be distributed early in Term 4 2025 by students’ private instrumental teacher for students they deem eligible to receive this scholarship.