The last week of term is always a mixed blessing. We are all deeply engaged in the pleasures and craziness of Mission Week – a ‘special offer’ is our overarching theme – yet at the same time teachers and students are all exhausted and ready for a good break with some strategic sleep-ins and other activities that will assist in refreshing and renewing body and spirit.
Over the past two weeks some deep and varied learning has occurred in all classes K to 6. Our Kindergarten students are just shy of 50 days complete in their first fulltime year of formal learning and they are making very encouraging progress. Buddy activities with Year 5 have brought them great joy and pleasure.
In the music realm this week has seen the performances of the COLA Concert series, a great culminating activity for each of the key Junior School performance groups. It never ceases to amaze me just how much they are able to learn in 8 short weeks. The standard of playing & seeing the level of enthusiasm of each and every student is a gratifying reward for each and every member of the audience!
On being a good sport….. This week I want to give a shoutout to all those students right across the school who turn up to almost every selection trial, no matter the sport, because they love to be active and they love to represent their school. There are many (and they know who they are) who try out week in, week out and never get picked – yet still they turn up! They do it with good grace, good humour and a willingness to help out in any way they can. So we want to say ‘take a bow’ you unsung super heroes – we see you and we love your Inaburra spirit!
As we approach the Easter weekend I am praying that you are your family might take a moment to consider the generosity and great love of Jesus in sacrificing His life for our sinfulness. Why is His offer of life (when we believe in and follow Him) so special – simply because it’s free and it’s eternal….. a blessed and a holy Easter to you all!
Mr Andrew Coote
Head of Junior School