Last year the Senior Welfare and Learning Leader teams spent time discussing ways we could improve the student diary for 2020. In previous years we have used an ‘off the shelf’ diary for Year 5 – Year 12 students. While this has been a great option, for 2020 we have decided to customise the diary to better align with our Welfare and Learning goals for students, as well as address some issues we have identified.
Weekly Diary (Year 5 – Year 9)

There are 2 types of diaries for 2020, For Year 5 – Year 9 there will be a Weekly Diary designed to encourage forward planning, task prioritisation for the week and help them focus on Welfare goals each term. I encourage parents to go through the features with their child and find ways that it can be used to foster their planning and organisational abilities. Key features we are introducing are, a Term Planner, a notes section each week, targeted welfare activities each week, and a minimal and colourful layout to encourage self-directed engagement by students.
Monthly Planner (Year 10 – Year 12)
For Year 10 – Year 12, we are introducing a Monthly Planner. As students have gotten older, we noticed a drop off in usage of the school diary as students start to select an organisation method that best suits them and their needs and encourages independent planning and student agency. For this reason, the Monthly Planner is lightweight and designed to complement other methods of planning, such as an online diary or a paper diary with a layout of their choosing. Students will also have the option of using the Weekly Diary offered in previous years by contacting the Senior School office.

The Monthly planner has been specifically designed for the need of students in Year 10 – Year 12 at Inaburra; It is dated until February 2021, so students will be able to use their diary for Home Learning over the Christmas break next year before they receive their 2021 diary. At the beginning of each term are a Goal Setting and Reflection section and a Personal Time Planner. The time planner is a week view split into hour sections. Students can use this to block out home learning, part-time work and family time. Students who share this page with their family have the most success at keeping to these plans, I would suggest photocopying the plan and keeping it on the family fridge.
As in previous years, both diaries will have an information section at the front of the diary that contains helpful information for parents and students on a number of processes and policies, as well as staff member listings, at Inaburra. If you have questions about classes, sport, uniform, early leaving, behaviour expectations etc, the diary will most likely give you the answer you are looking for. Please also take time to sign the Panadol Permissions slip on the last page of this information section.