With so many tutors who come in each week, I thought it a great opportunity to meet some tutors who work with our students. Today, let’s meet two of our tutors, Michael Dixon and Ed Bastian.

If you would like any information about private lessons, please contact the school or head to the school’s website here

What is your name?

Dr. Michael Hugh Dixon

What is your instrument and why did you start learning it and when did you start learning it?

I play French horn. My first instrument was piano which I learnt from my grandmother from age 7. I played a little violin, then trumpet from age 9, which father taught me. He taught all the brass and bought himself a French horn to practise but when I opened the case I fell in love with the instrument and asked if I could play it. My dad never got to practice French horn but he taught me well from age 11.

 How long have you been teaching at Inaburra for?

I’ve been at Inaburra for 10 years now and really admire the music program here.

What do you do when you’re not teaching at Inaburra?

I teach some other places, and play with other musicians including the Brandenburg Orchestra, write my own music and curate the Sydney Microtonal Festival.

What is it that you love about Music at Inaburra?

I love watching the students gain skill and musical maturity over their years at school, I love helping them to find their way on their instruments and find a musical path whilst they are at school and I love working with all my colleagues in the music program.

What is your name?

My name is Ed Bastian.

What is your instrument and why did you start learning it and when did you start learning it?

I play the Double Bass, which is the largest string instrument in the violin family.

I began learning when I was ten years old, after learning the violin for a few years.  I had been told by my Father that there were always too many violinists and never enough Bass players and so it would be a great way to get involved in many different music ensembles. 

He was right!  The Double Bass is a versatile instrument that is needed across many styles of music. 

How long have you been teaching at Inaburra for?

I’ve been teaching at Inaburra for the past 5 years.

What do you do when you’re not teaching at Inaburra?

In my work I get to do everything from teaching the Double Bass , performing with pop stars, recording film and game soundtracks,  to my full time job playing in operas and musicals as part of the Opera Australia Orchestra. 

What is it that you love about Music at Inaburra?

I have really enjoyed working with the passionate team in the Inaburra  music department. It is wonderful to see so many students actively participating in a music program and to work in a school that understands the importance of music as part of a well rounded education.

I never dreamed when  I first began learning the Bass as a ten year old, that it would lead to such a wonderful and diverse  career in music!


Miss Jennifer Geering
Director of Music K-12