IPSHA Basketball Trials

On Monday 19 February Lukas J (Year 5) and Aslan K (Year 6) headed to St Pius X College at Oxford Falls for the IPSHA Boys Basketball trials. Congratulations to Aslan who was selected to play in the IPSHA team at the CIS Boys Basketball Trials in March.

Interschools Snowsports Championship 2024 

In 2024 Inaburra will be entering students in the Regional Interschool Snowsports Championships. In 2024 the Sydney Championships will be held from 16 -19 July at Perisher. Please be aware that it is the responsibility of parents to supervise all aspects of their son’s/daughters involvement at the competition and before and after competition each day with accommodation and meals. Entries open in May. If you are interested in the event please find more information at the link below. 


To register your interest or more information please email Mr Tolhurst tolhurstm@inaburra.nsw.edu.au 

Upcoming Events

Week 5

Thursday 29 February – IPSHA Girls Football (Soccer) Trials
Friday 1 March – Friday Afternoon Cricket with Scots and Danebank
Friday 1 March – Friday Twilight Swim Race Meets at Danebank (Year 2-6)

Week 6

Tuesday 5 March – IPSHA Swimming Carnival
Wednesday 6 March – NSW Netball Primary All Schools Boys 12 years and under selection trials
Friday 8 March – CIS Primary Basketball Trials
Friday 8 March – Friday Afternoon Cricket with Scots and Danebank

Mrs Robyn Carroll
K-6 Sports Coordinator