CSSA South Met Zone Primary Boys Football (Soccer) Gala Day
On Monday 22 May 48 boys from across Years 3-6 represented Inaburra at the CSSA South Met Zone Primary Boys Football (Soccer) Gala Day at The Ridge Playing Fields. Congratulations to our Senior A Boys who won all their games including the final and have qualified for the CSSA Primary Boys State Football Finals to be held next term.
“The Senior B boys team had a great day at soccer playing a total of 4 games. The boys fought hard and tried their very best in every game. Despite losing 3 games, the boys kept a positive attitude and were determined to not give up until the final whistle blew. The boys enjoyed playing with one another and displayed great teamwork throughout the entire tournament.” Coach Katie McDonald
CSSA South Met Zone Primary Mixed Netball Gala Day
On Monday 22 May 38 students from across Years 3-6 represented Inaburra at the CSSA South Met Zone Primary Mixed Netball Gala Day at The Ridge Netball Courts. All teams had a great day with our Junior A Team winning all their games. We wish our Senior A and Junior A Mixed netball teams all the best as they head off to the CSSA Primary State Netball Gala Day next term.
“The Senior As had an excellent day with five games of netball, winning four of these. Excellent shooting partnership between Harper and Maddie as well as excellent teamwork from the rest of the team. The girls played amazingly well and showed sportsmanship to all teams they came across. Well done Senior As.” Mrs Lindeback
“The Junior B team grew together throughout the day. There were moments of beautiful positional play, excellent passing and a real flow to the game. Many players tried positions they hadn’t played before and one team mate was completely new to netball! What a great opportunity for the players to gain new skills and work together to improve. I was so proud of the big smiles and wonderful sportsmanship. We won 4 games and only lost one. Excellent work team!” Mrs Hubbard
CSSA Primary State Cross Country Carnival
On Friday 26 May students from across years 2-6 represented Inaburra at the CSSA Primary State Cross Country Carnival held at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre. Congratulations to Rachael Young (4th), Aslan Kadri (4th), Brooke Cross (6th) & Rebecca Wright (7th) who have qualified to compete in the CIS Cross Country Carnival this Thursday 8 June back out at the Equestrian Centre.
CIS Primary Girls Rugby 7’s Trials
On Tuesday 30 May Elle Cordato (Yr 6) headed up to Pymble Ladies College to trial for a place on the CIS Primary Girls Rugby 7’s Team. Congratulations to Elle who has been selected in the CIS team to play in the PSSA Primary Girls Rugby 7’s Tournament next term.
Junior School Athletics Carnival
On Wednesday 31 May our K-6 students competed in the Junior School Athletics carnival held at Sylvania Waters Athletics. Participation levels were high with students enjoying the new venue and challenging themselves in track and field events. Winning house and age champions will be announced at this Friday’s assembly.
CSSA Primary State Gymnastics
On Thursday 1 June, Josie B (Year 4), Grace J (Year 5) and Lily F (Year 3) headed to Rooty Hill to compete in the CSSA Primary State Gymnastics Competition. Congratulations to all three girls who received ribbons – Josie 1st Bars (Level 4), Grace 4th Beam (Level 4), Lily 2nd Floor (Level 3).
Upcoming Events
Week 7
Thursday 8 June – CIS Primary Cross Country Championships
Week 8
Wednesday 14 June – CSSA Primary Girls State Football (Soccer) Finals
Wednesday 14 June – CIS Primary Boys Rugby Union Trials