At the end of last year, I provided an overview of our Strategic Plan for the next three years and included this in the 2021 Annual Awards booklet which was made available to all parents digitally and parents have recently had the opportunity to order the booklet as well. 

We are in the process of developing our Strategic Plan in terms of specific goals, strategies and measures which we will look to use with a number of staff participating in sub-committees examining specific areas of the three-year plan. A summary of our Strategic Plan is provided below.

Strategic Goals in 2022 – 2024

As we look ahead to the next three years, we will be focusing on building three aspects of our school community.

Over the next three years, Inaburra will seek to be:

1) A kingdom-of-God shaped community – in which students, parents and staff are encouraged to put on the virtues of grace, humility, kindness and compassion.

Towards this end, we will look to

1.1 Promote an explicit focus on the virtues of the new creation outlined in the New Testament such as love, grace, forgiveness, patience, kindness and compassion 

1.2 Celebrate throughout the year the hope of new life and the restoration of all things that are central to the Christian worldview

1.3 Continue to provide our school community with the opportunity to engage in activities focused on service and giving support to other communities 

1.4 Strengthen connections with our local aboriginal community 

1.5 Build respect for diversity within our community


2) An academic community – in which students engage regularly in rigorous and challenging learning activities designed to build learning character and understanding.

Towards this end, we will look to

2.1 Focus professional development for staff on the embedding of the ILP and how to provide appropriate academic challenge for every student 

2.2 Develop ways of measuring students’ learning in terms of the attributes of the ILP and use this data to engage students in a conversation about learning how to learn 

2.3 Encourage staff to develop their expert knowledge of learning, their subject-specific knowledge and their understanding of how these areas of knowledge interact with different philosophical and theological perspectives 

2.4 Continue to build a strong learning support and enrichment program 

2.5 Provide students with alternate learning pathways that they can pursue at school


3) A flourishing community – in which students and staff are supported so they might flourish as lifelong learners.

Towards this end, we will look to

3.1 Continue to focus on the PERMA Plus model and its implications for staff and students and provide opportunities for parents and families to engage with the PERMA Plus model 

3.2 Develop our records management system and other systems that contribute to the effective operation of the school 

3.3 Provide professional development opportunities related to career progression, the School’s strategic priorities and best practice in the workplace 

3.4 Continue to ensure that our facilities enable the development of this tripartite learning community 

3.5 Continue to employ responsible financial management and long term planning to respond to recent changes to government funding models 

If you have any feedback or suggestions as we look to build this Strategic Plan with more detail over the next few months I would welcome your input. This is a somewhat different strategic plan to previous plans with its intentional focus on the type of community that we are seeking to create here at Inaburra. I invite you to join in the conversation about where we are going as a community over the next three years.

National Redress Scheme

In 2018 the school started the process of applying to be part of the National Redress Scheme. This is a nation-wide scheme designed to assist victims of institutional child sexual abuse receive redress in the form of counselling, financial payments or an apology from the institution in which the abuse took place. 

The process of joining this scheme has taken much longer than we anticipated, but we are now part of the National Redress Scheme as a member of the Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT. To lodge a claim, or talk to someone about the National Redress Scheme, you can call 1 800 737 377. If your claim involves Inaburra School you will need the details for the school. You can find these details by going to and entering “Inaburra”. 


Dr James Pietsch