CSSA Junior Yr3/4 Primary State Basketball Gala Day
On Monday 21 November our Junior Boys and Girls Basketball Teams headed to Cambridge Park to compete in the CSSA Primary State Basketball Gala Day. Both teams played very well with our girls winning 2 games out of 5. Our boys team was outstanding in winning all their round matches, making it through to the Semi-finals. After an exciting start to the semi-final and being up by 2 at half time, they went down 24-19 to Belmont Christian School.
Thank you to Mrs Cath Agren who coached the girls and Jordyn Dewhurst who coached the boys team, especially for the early start and late finish!
CSSA Primary State Tennis Gala Day
On Monday 28 November 12 students headed to Blacktown for the CSSA Primary State Tennis Gala Day. The day was a great success and we were blessed with good weather, with all students displaying great sportsmanship! Congratulations to Ethan Kyte who won all his round matches and went straight through to the Quarterfinals as well as Harper Fifer who also played in the Quarterfinals.