Books and Bubbles: Success!
Thank you to the fabulous group of parents and staff who spent 4-5pm together last Wednesday 1 November sharing nibbles, bubbles and talking all things books! It was a great event, and many new books were shared, purchased through The Best Little Bookshop pop-up store, with all proceeds donated to the Inaburra Libraries.
K-6 Return of All Loans
To prepare for K-4 Library Stocktake and Stage 3 Library Genrefying (this means moving from an alphabetical organisation of books to a genre-based order), ALL books loaned out to K-6 students are to be returned in Weeks 5 and 6 (no later than Friday 17 November). A Zooper Dooper incentive is being offered to the first class with no loans outstanding.
Any outstanding loans or overdue items will be followed up with a printout home, and procedures to replace lost items will be undertaken by the end of Term.
There will be no borrowing in Weeks 5-8. Holiday borrowing will occur in Week 9 after Stocktake and Genrefying.
If there are any concerns, please contact Library staff.
7-12 Clearance Day Reminders
Letters have been sent home to all students with outstanding items loaned out throughout the year from the Library and other faculties. Please read these letters carefully and look thoroughly for these resources.
They must be returned on or by Clearance Days, and the Clearance Process must be followed by all students who have received this letter.
The Clearance Days are scheduled on the following days:
- Monday 6 November – Year 12
- Monday 13 November – Year 7
- Tuesday 14 November – Year 8
- Wednesday 15 November – Year 9
- Thursday 16 November – Year 11
- Friday 17 November – Year 10
As always, if there are any concerns, please contact Library staff or speak with faculty leaders regarding lost or missing items.
KOALA Awards Ceremony
On Thursday 2 November, 22 students from Years 3-6 were accompanied by Mrs You and Mrs Brock to attend the KOALA Awards Ceremony. It was held at PLC Sydney, in Croydon, with over 400 students in attendance from across NSW. Over 30 Australian authors and illustrators attended the event as well, including Matt Cosgrove (who illustrated during the event!), Deb Abela, Kate Temple, Jacqueline Harvey and George Ivanoff.
The students who attended had the chance to meet these authors and illustrators, and find out first hand who won the awards for each of the four categories. Some photos and the awards announcement are below.
Literary Family Fun
New questions to get you talking:
- Who was known as The Bard of Avon?
- In the poem The Night Before Christmas what item of clothing was left out by the chimney?
- What type of creature is Mrs O’Leary in the Percy Jackson series?
- How many witches appear in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?
- Which yellow and black character is Optimus Prime’s right-hand man?
Look out for the answers (and some new questions) in upcoming Newsletters.
Last Newsletter’s questions and answers:
- What happened to Bruno Jenkins in the book The Witches?
- Who carved Pinocchio from wood?
- What animal appears on the crest of Slytherin?
- Luke Skywalker was trained by Yoda and who else?
- What name is given to a word formed from the same letters as another word, for example search from the word chaser?
1. Turned into a mouse 2. Geppetto 3. Snake 4. Obi-Wan 5. Anagram
Mrs Emily You
K-12 Library Coordinator